Tuesday, October 15, 2013
A Great Thanksgiving Weekend
This past weekend was Thanksgiving weekend here in Canada. We has some beautiful fall weather and some wonderful time spent with family. Unfortunately I didn't take any pictures but I just wanted to document a little of what we did for memories sake. Friday night two of my siblings and my parents came out to visit. On Saturday they helped Hubby (who has a sprained ankle) put up some new fence and my mom baked some pies for our Thanksgiving dinner. That night we enjoyed a fire outside cooking hot dogs and hamburgers for supper. It will probably be our last cookout of the season as it is starting to get chilly here. Also another one of my brother's came out on Saturday night. On Sunday we had church and then brunch. Unfortunately my mom and sister had to leave after lunch as my sister was flying out to Panama the next day. However, Sunday afternoon my Aunt and cousins arrived. We then chased some cattle home which was a lot of fun and we got our exercise in the fresh air. Then it was time for Thanksgiving supper: turkey, potatoes, corn, sweet potatoes, and cabbage rolls, followed by pumpkin and apple pies with whipped cream. It was scrumptious. After supper we enjoyed a game of charades. I really enjoyed hanging out with all the family members who could be there. On Monday we butchered some of our old hens as the young ones have started to lay eggs. Once again the weather cooperated and we had a beautiful day. We even made some bannock to cook over the fire after we were done scalding the chickens. It was a great Thanksgiving weekend!
Tuesday, October 1, 2013
Star and LT's Birthday Celebration
This past weekend we had a family gathering to celebrate the 2nd and 12th birthdays of LT and Star. Luckily the weather was nice and we were able to gather outside. We were so grateful that a lot of their cousins, aunts, uncles, and grandparents were able to join us on this beautiful day. In the morning some of the relatives helped out as we trimmed some hedges and burnt some branches that were lying around. For lunch we had BBQ hamburgers and hot dogs, broccoli and cauliflower salad, and ice cream cake for dessert. I made this blizzard cake just substituting golden Oreos for the chocolate ones and adding some raspberries to the mix. It was delicious. After lunch we headed over to the ranch and took a wagon ride out to the hay field. It was a great day.
Star and LT
Everyone on the hay wagon
A fun ride
Star with her youngest cousin
Me with my two little ones LT and LK
LT and Star with a couple of cousins
LT with my sister's dog Trigger
Thursday, September 26, 2013
Happy Birthday Star!
12 years old today.
I can't believe my sweet, loving, creative, sensitive, kind, and wonderful first born is 12 today. The years are going by too fast. She has grown up so much this past year and is turning into a wonderful young lady.
Tonight I took Star to the library to get her own library card and then we went out for supper, just the two of us. It was a little weird not having the rest of the family there but I hope she enjoyed the special attention. I gave her the above poster for her birthday along with this mobile I crocheted for her room.
We are having a big family gathering this weekend to celebrate her and LT's Birthdays. I hope the weather is nice and we can enjoy being outdoors once more before it gets too cold for outdoor gatherings.
Thursday, September 19, 2013
LT is Two!
I can't believe my baby is 2. I guess I can't call her a baby any more. She is growing into such a precious little girl. She is sweet and caring and super helpful (at least she tries to be). When cutting apples this fall she (on her own) went and got a plastic knife from the drawer and worked very hard beside me to cut the apples with her plastic knife. Whatever I am doing she is right there beside me trying to help. She is a little bit bossy and definitely knows what she wants. She is caring toward her big brother making sure he gets his food at meal times and covering him with a blanket when he falls asleep on the chair. She loves going outside and especially loves the kitties. She also enjoys finding ladybugs, frogs, and caterpillars outside with her brother. She used to be a little scared of them but has gotten much braver and is no longer afraid to pick up a caterpillar or frog. She is talking quite a bit now and makes herself understood. She loves to color and draw and is always willing to snuggle up with a story. She is becoming her own little person more everyday and I can't wait to see what the future has in store for her.
We love you Lil, Happy 2nd Birthday.
Tuesday, September 17, 2013
Camping at Riding Mountain
This summer for our family camping trip we met up with my sister-in-law, her husband, and their six kids at Clear Lake in Riding Mountain National Park. It boasted beautiful lakes but also an abundance of mosquitoes. The weather could have been a bit warmer for swimming but we still got in a lot of beach time. Also one day my brother-in-law rented a pontoon boat to do some fishing and it was lovely to get out on the lake. (No, I didn't fish. I was crocheting on the boat and just enjoying being on the lake. But I was the person who held the net when someone caught a fish.) Star did try her hand at fishing and caught a couple of fish. She was very excited.
Beautiful Lakes
Star on the dock
Uncle P did join us for few days as well. Here he is being goofy as normal. Splashing the girls just as I was taking the picture.
We did do a few hikes but the mosquitoes were quite atrocious on our hikes.
They have a bison pasture there as well and we were able to get up close to some bison.
Sky and Lil on the beach.
LK trying his hand at some beach volleyball.
Sky and Daddy playing volleyball.
Star on a paddle board we rented.
LK and Lil working on a sand castle.
Star and Sky with their cousin.
It was a lot of fun for the kids to camp with all their cousins and it was fun for us adults too.
Monday, September 16, 2013
Spring and Summer Have Flown By!
Wow, once again it has been a long time since I posted. I can't believe that spring and summer have flown by and here it is September and the kids are back in school. We have been having a nice fall so far here. Even though the days are getting shorter they have been beautiful. We are not quite done harvesting yet but are getting close.
Anyways I just thought a would post a few pictures to share some of what's been going on the last while. This might get a little long so feel free to just skim through quickly.
- This spring when getting ready for seeding Hubby got the tractor stuck good as you can see. It took a back hoe and another 4 wheel drive tractor to get him out.
- Also this spring we finished most of the basement renovations and the girls got to move into their new rooms. They were excited to have their own rooms. We still have to put the shower in the bathroom and we plan to install a laundry sink and some cupboards but the main rooms are done and all the flooring is in.
Star in her new room
Sky in her new room.
- This spring Sky started playing softball. It kept us quite busy with practices and then having to travel for games. It was fun for me to watch her play and I helped to coach a bit as I used to play quite a lot of softball.
- Luckily Star took her babysitting course this spring so she was able to help with watching the kids during ball season. I can't believe I have a child who is old enough to babysit. Unfortunately Hubby and I haven't taken advantage yet for a date night. Maybe after harvest?
- Star won the Citizenship Award this year at school. Yes, I am a proud Mommy.
Star with her award
- We started the summer holidays by having a family camp out in the yard for the July long weekend (complete with fireworks). It was a lot of fun and we didn't even have to leave the yard. I am thinking that this should become an annual tradition.
- Then the older girls were off to Girl Guide camp for a week. They had a lot of fun and are already planning to return next year.
- I always get excited for summer, thinking we will have lot's of times for crafts and what not, but it always ends being busy. Good, but busy. We did do this one craft at the start of summer; hot rocks. You heat rocks in the oven or in a fire (or if it is hot enough in the sun). Then you color them with wax crayons. The wax melts as you color and you can make cool designs. We obviously have different brands of crayons as they melted at different rates but it made for a cool experiment.
- I also managed to get just a bit of sewing done. I made Sky a bonnet to match the dress she made last year. Lil also got a matching dress and bonnet.
Sky modeling her bonnet and dress.
Lil with her matching dress and bonnet. She did not want me to take her picture.
- For our summer camping trip we met up with some family at Clear Lake in Riding Mountain National Park. I shared a few pictures here.
- This summer the Art Gallery in our community offered some free summer art classes. We weren't able to attend all of them but the girls (especially Star) really enjoyed the ones we did make it too. I think their favorite class was the one where they got to decorate cakes.
Sky with her decorated cake.
Star with her decorated cake and cupcakes.
- We also took another short camping trip this year at Buffalo Pound Provincial Park. It was a lot of fun and we got to spend more time with family. My mom and dad we able to come out every day and spend it with us. The weather wasn't super warm for swimming in the lake. But we still did some swimming and had fun playing in the sand on the beach. The park was celebrating its 50th year when were there and had some extra activities going on. We got to go canoeing, there was a sand castle building contest (which we won, yeah), and other games.
working on the sand castle
Sky winning the potato sack race
LK and LT on a rock
LT climbing trees
- We were home for a week and then the girls were off to camp again for a week (it was a Catholic camp this time).
- This summer the 3 oldest kids took swimming lessons. It was LK's first time without me going in the water and he did very well.
LK at swimming lessons
- Now the girls are back in school and settling in well. Harvest is nearly done and the cold weather will be here soon. Hubby did get the combine stuck this year which was a first for him. Unfortunately I didn't get any pictures of it.
Well if you stuck with me for that long thank you. That was just a glimpse of what we have been up to. Hopefully I will post a bit more regularly now that it is fall but I make no promises.
Wednesday, April 17, 2013
Outside my window . . . the ground continues to be covered in white stuff but at least the sun is shining today.
I am hearing . . . hubby and his Dad working in the basement. They are cutting some baseboards, I think. We are getting close to being done the basement, but there is a lot of finishing touches to do. Also hubby hurt his back again so that has been slowing him down.
I am thankful . . . for being able to hear Sky and Star perform in the music festival this week. For a loving husband who watched the little ones while I went. And for the blessing of being able to provide music lessons for them.
In the kitchen . . . hubby made a delicious macaroni salad for lunch. Mmmm, I really am lucky. Other than that not much is happening in there. I'll have to think of something to make for supper soon.
I am creating . . . crocheting a summer top for myself. I got much of the front done while sitting at the music festival.
I am wearing . . . the usual sweatpants and t-shirt. I do have a crocheted shawl wrapped around me as it is a bit cool in here.
I am going . . . to town tomorrow to take Sky to her piano lessons.
I am wondering . . . if the snow is ever going to melt.
I am reading . . . not a lot of reading has been done this past week. I am still reading Raising Happiness by Christine Carter.
I am hoping . . . to get my tomato plants started soon. I usually have them done by this time but with the weather the way it is maybe it is okay that I am a bit behind. This is how my garden looked a few days ago and we have had more snow since then.
I am looking forward to . . . having company for the next couple weekends. Having friends and family around is always a blessing.
Around the house . . . lot's of cleaning to be done as usual and even more so than normal as I have been spending a lot time in town this week for the music festival.
I am remembering . . . that last year when Star had to go perform in the music festival she was a bit disappointed as it was a beautiful, warm day. We had the kiddie pool out, Auntie Jo was visiting, and a big water fight was underway. What a difference a year makes. This year the yard is covered with snow a few feet deep and the night of her performance it was snowing and the roads were a bit treacherous.
A favorite quote for today . . . live with less so those with less may live.
Kid quotes . . . After her performance at the music festival Star was bemoaning a mistake. I told her it was minor and no one even noticed she had made a mistake. She said, "Yeah, it is a good thing I am cute, so they didn't realize I made a mistake."
One of my favorite things . . . singing and dancing (with no one listening or watching as I have absolutely zero talent at either but it can be fun).
A few plans for the rest of the week: planting some tomato plants, cleaning the shelf in the kitchen, and organizing the craft/puzzle/game bins.
A peek into my day . . .
Snack time for a couple of cuties
Wednesday, April 10, 2013
Yarn Along - Afghans
Okay, so I think I mentioned that I am working on some afghans for the older girls but I never said what they were. For Star I am making the above rainbow ripple using the Neat Ripple pattern by Lucy at Attic 24. The yarn I am using is Bernat Satin.
Sky picked out the colors for her afghan (below). Her afghan will be an assortment of different crochet squares. I am following along with little bird knits as she posts a new square each week. I am using Sheep(ish) yarn for this one.
As I said before these will be year long projects that I will work on here and there as I get a chance. I hope to give them to the girls for Christmas.
I am still reading Raising Happiness by Christine Carter and for a light fiction read I am enjoying The Tutor`s Daughter by Julie Klassen.
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