-The three oldest kids took swimming lessons and passed their levels.
-Tin cans were decorated, turned into a tin can telephone, and used by the girls in the operation of their bedroom turned general store.
-Hot summer afternoons were spent at the pool and sometimes the younger ones had their naps there. Once LT had her nap right in the pool.
-Movies have been watched specifically Anne of Green Gables and Anne: The Sequel (with Megan Follows, very enjoyable). Has anyone seen Anne The Continuing story? Is it worth watching?
-Sky had a couple friends sleepover.
-Hikes have been taken out to the rock piles in the pasture. Forts were made and games were played.
-Dad went to Kananaskis to climb a mountain. He didn't quite make it to the top because of the snow but had a good climb nonetheless.
-The older girls camped out in the yard when dad got home.
-Naps were taken outside in the hammock.